A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux


Both players start with 8 pieces. In a turn, a player can do 2 actions with two different pieces (except the first turn, when the starting player can only do 1 action). The goal of the game is to occupy the Bank and the Saloon. A player occupies a place if they have at least one piece inside, and the other player doesn't. A player wins if they occupy both places at the beginning of their turn.

The pieces have the following actions (distances are measured in Manhattan distance):

Every piece can move to a square that is 1 distance away

  • The pleb has no additional abilities
  • The horsey can move 2 distance away
  • The sniper can either move 1 distance away or shoot a piece that's at most 3 distance away. After shooting, they have to spend one action to reload.
  • The barrel man can survive one shot from the sniper. If they get shot they turn into a pleb

If a horsey/sniper dies, they leave the horse/gun on the square they occupied. If any piece moves there, they pick it up and they turn into a horsey/sniper.

Mac and Linux builds are untested, and "quality" is not guaranteed.


Chessperados.zip 47 MB
Mac.app.7z 42 MB
Linux.7z 27 MB

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